Course Information
Marine Mammal Biology is an introductory online course for graduate students designed to provide a broad exploration of a variety of biological, physiological, and ecological aspects related to marine mammalogy. This course focuses around the three main marine mammal groups (cetaceans, sirenians, pinnipeds); however, relevant information on ursids and mustelids will be included where available. Each module of this course includes lectures by well-known experts in the field of marine mammal science.
This course is offered entirely in an asynchronous online format and relies primarily on recorded lectures and assigned readings (either from book chapters or primary scientific literature). Rather than having formal exams throughout the semester, students will participate in active and collaborative learning assessments that focus to enhance critical thinking skills and application of course material.
Course Syllabus
Course Objectives
- Students will learn to identify and classify the major taxonomic groups of marine mammals based on defining characteristics.
- Students will examine the morphological and physiological adaptations evolved by marine mammals in order to explain their role in a marine mammals’ ability to inhabit an aquatic environment.
- Students will broadly examine the biological and ecological relationships between marine mammals and the aquatic environments they inhabit.
- Students will identify the major management and conservation issues faced by different marine mammal species and evaluate species-specific susceptibility to particular threats.
Course Topics
- Taxonomy, Biodiversity, & Life History Traits
- Evolution
- Anatomy/Physiology
- Thermoregulation
- Diving Physiology
- Sensory Biology/Acoustics
- Foraging Ecology
- Reproduction
- Health & Disease
- Strandings/Necropsy
- Conservation Issues

Registration Information
How to Register
There are multiple ways to register for each course. Please review the Non-UF Student, Continuing Education and UF Student descriptions below in order to decide which method is most appropriate for you. You may also want to review our FAQ page or Contact Us to help differentiate between these options.
Student Enrollment Options:
Please note steps for application depend on current education level and University of Florida affiliation. Please see below for details to determine your application steps.
UF Students:
Course Number: VME6014
Graduate (NOT in College of Vet Med): UF Student
Students not in the UF College of Veterinary Medicine will need to register through Student Self Service or Dept. Coordinator. Section is listed in SOC. UF tuition and fee rates apply.
Course Number: VME6014
Graduate (In College of Vet Med): UF Student
Students in the UF College of Veterinary Medicine will need to contact Sara Rubinstein in order to register for the course.
Non-UF Students:
- Must complete a Non-degree Application to UF.
- Complete a Course Interest Form
- Credits from this course may be transferable to your current institution.
- Non-degree students pay the Capital Improvement and Technology fee.
- University of Florida Critical Dates and Deadlines
Course Number: VME6014
Graduate: Non-UF Student
Interested applicants must first apply as a non-degree student. If admitted, additional instructions for registration will be provided. Cost: $550/credit plus fees
Students interested in Continuing Education can request to audit and receive a CE certificate.
Registration Deadline
Note: This class has limited enrollment and may fill up prior to the end of drop/add so we suggest registering early.
Summer 2024
Registration Opens | March 18th, 2024 |
Application Deadline | April 29th, 2024 |
Classes Begin | May 13th, 2024 |
Registration Closes | May 14th, 2024 |
Cancel with FULL Refund | May 14th, 2024 |
Tuition Deadline | May 24th, 2024 (3:30 pm EST) |
Classes End | August 9th, 2024 |