Course Information
This course is offered through the School of Forest Resources and Conservation. This course is designed to provide instruction in the methodology of diagnosis, treatment and management of parasitic, bacterial, viral, nutritional, and environmental diseases of warm water food fish and aquarium species. It will also cover topics such as fish biology, husbandry, aquatic systems, water quality management, identification and interpretation of infectious agents impacting fish health, and effective treatment plans. Course coordinators: Dr. Ruth Francis- Floyd, Dr. Roy Yanong, Dr. Denise Petty.
Course Syllabus
Course Objectives

- Students will be introduced to common families of warm water fish, and will be expected to understand their importance to the aquaculture and aquarium industries. Further, they should have an appreciation for diseases that may be of concern within specific families of fish.
- Students will be expected to have a basic understanding of fish biology, anatomy, and physiology.They will be expected to understand how disease may alter normal physiologic processes.
- Students will learn basic diagnostic techniques for common fish diseases. Become familiar with important infectious agents that cause disease in fish. Students will be expected to know clinical signs associated with specific diseases and understand what steps will be required to confirm a diagnosis.
- Students will learn the principles of basic water quality management for aquaculture and become familiar with the key components of aquatic system design.
- Students will learn basic principles of biosecurity and quarantine, and be able to apply these in the design or assessment of protocols for fish holding facilities.
Course Topics
• Fish Biology, Anatomy and Physiology
• Freshwater and Marine Systems Design
• Water Quality Analysis and Interpretation
• Common Environmental Diseases of Warm Water Fish
• Diagnostic Procedures
• External Biopsy Techniques
• Necropsy Procedures
• Sterile and Microbial Techniques
• Treatment Protocols and Strategies
• Drug and Chemical Regulations for Fish
• Biosecurity and Quarantine Procedures
• Regulated Diseases
• Fish Parasitology, Identification of Common Parasites, Understanding Common
Parasitic Diseases
• Introduction to Bacterial, Viral and Mycotic Diseases of Fish
• Managing Mycobacterium
• Preventive Medicine and Disease Control Strategies
• Common Zoonotic Diseases of Concern and Management Strategies
• Development of Fish Health Management Programs

Registration Information
How to Register
UF Students: This course is departmentally controlled so you must contact the department coordinator and pay the current UF cost per credit hour. Students should be in good standing. For further information or questions, please contact the SFFGS academic support services at .
- Graduate/Professional Course Number: FAS 5255 (3 credits)
- Veterinary Students: VEM 5374 (3 Credits)
Non-UF students: Non-UF students will need to register as a Non-degree student (and a UF transcript will be created with your grade upon completion of the course). Non-degree students can be currently enrolled at another educational institution or not (ex: post-baccalaureate). Please complete the Non-Degree Registration Request form and select “COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL AND LIFE SCIENCES” from the College drop-down menu. Questions regarding registration should be directed to
Registration Cost
Registration costs for UF students follow the standard tuition and fee rate of the University. Costs for non-UF students are detailed here. Registration includes access to the course materials (lectures, reading material, discussion sessions, etc), tuition, and fees. Students are responsible for any other costs (ex: microphone headsets are required for most courses).
Registration Deadline
Note: This class has limited enrollment and may fill up prior to the end of drop/add so we suggest registering early.
Registration information for dates for the University of Florida can be found here.
Please note start date on course registration website.